Withnell Sensors offers the AiroSensor from SenseAnywhere to the UK & Ireland

Measurement Matters: Why Choose UKAS Calibrated Data Loggers?
SenseAnywhere Cloud Based Logger Application
SenseAnywhere’s AiroSensor is a next generation, wireless, cloud based logger that is used over numerous industries including in greenhouses, warehouses, stables, refrigerators, and freezers over many industries.
The Withnell Sensors team have received a great deal of positive feedback from many different customers over various businesses. One thing that seems to stand out amongst users of the product, is just how easy and simplified it can make once tedious and time consuming tasks. The cloud based logger can batch set up in a matter of seconds and from there does all the work for you. No manual measurements are needed, as live data can be accessed from anywhere in the world through any smart device. Furthermore, secure reports can be generated in just a few clicks.
One company that have been amazed by the product is AFL Barendrecht; one of the largest fruit and vegetable transporters in the Netherlands. Office Manager for the company Alkine Barendrecht says “We personally, as well as our customers, want to know under which circumstances the fresh produce has been transported. SenseAnywhere was an ideal solution for our problem. We simply installed it ourselves and it looks after itself, no tricky wiring or other matters.”
Temperature control is essential both during transport and during storage. As of recently companies such as AFL Barendrecht have implemented SenseAnywhere; as it as a very simple but extremely effective system that measures temperature, humidity and movement- and immediately posts these measurements online to any smart device of your choice.
The SenseAnywhere system is a game changer for temperature and humidity monitoring, it does not require technical services or an IT department. It sends an email or text message when things are not as they should be so that you can immediately intervene.
You can learn more about the SenseAnyhwere product and software click here