BioBank Sample Storage

Monitoring for Biobank Sample Storage

Data Loggers Ideal for Temperature Monitoring in Biobank Sample Storage Applications

A biobank is a facility built specifically to house a variety of collected biological samples for long-term preservation. They collect, process, store and manage samples varying from types of blood and tissues to DNA and stem cells. 

Biobanks rely on cold storage monitoring to provide precise temperature control and ensure the safety and stability of any stored sample. Researchers, clinical trials and other healthcare systems will often rely on these samples to treat patients and develop new medicines. 


Why is Biobank Sample Storage Important?

The storage involved with biobank samples is vital for public health, global preservation and continuity of future generations. Not only do biobanks and biorepositories protect and house the most valuable of samples, but they also often store the most unique and rarest of biological materials too.

Both examples of biobank storage are important since biological samples can be allocated to ongoing research and development as well as disease understanding, meanwhile, rare samples can preserve our history and future all at once. 

Parameters in biobank sample storage applications are either low or ultra-low. Ultra low-temperature storage facilities will be operating at -80°C to -150°C, low-temperature storage will be -20°C to -40°C and refrigerated low temperature will be at 2°C to 8°C. In some cases, biological sample storage may also need to be cryogenic, which is where facilities are liquid nitrogen calibration and validated at -196°C. 

The only legitimate way to ensure these temperatures are kept within range for the proper storage in biobanks is through a temperature monitoring system.

Vital aspects of biobank monitoring

With any type of storage where the facilities are expansive, or the stored goods are so valuable, there will different aspects of the space that need close attention. Biobank sample storage will usually call for at least three layers of monitoring systems: 


Suitable Devices for Biobank Sample Storage

Facility-wide monitoring will focus on the entire biobank facility, here multiple loggers will be used for large-scale coverage of operations and the safety net of disaster prevention. 

Individual storage monitoring will focus on individual storage chambers and their specific level of environmental control, here real-time alters and precision and accuracy in range are paramount. 

A mapping report will focus on the internal conditions of the biobank sample storage facility and validate the performance of the entire space's performance, detecting inconsistencies and helping to optimise the layout of the bank. 

All three applications can benefits from the below features:

Multiple, connected access points

Alarm settings

Automatically generate reports

Expansive temperature ranges

We offer independent, expert advice – Please contact us our technical sales specialists, they understand the needs of individual biobanks and can help identify the right system for you!