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Pharmacy temperature monitoring- Protect your stock today

Vaccine temperature monitoring throughout production and distribution process
As the fight against COVID-19 continues across the globe, the development of vaccines has seen great successes in recent weeks. Several pharmaceutical and clinical research companies have been working relentlessly and after phase three testing- it looks like they might deliver exactly what the world has hoped for.
The first vaccine to show highly effective treatment after phase three testing results was from Pfizer and BioNtech- showing 95% effectivity when fighting the deadly virus. Moderna have reached the same level of effectiveness with their vaccine whilst Oxford University and Astra Zeneca have developed a vaccine that delivers an average of 70% efficacy. The benefit to this immunisation is that it will be much cheaper to manufacture and distribute, which will be a huge factor in large scale distribution, particularly in developing countries where complex cold chains would be logistically impossible to manage. Storage conditions for Oxford University vaccine offer many pragmatic benefits, even for developed countries where general fridge storage conditions will be much easier to manage and suitable enough to preserve the effectiveness of the vaccine. This attribute is mirrored by the Russian developed treatment from Gamaleya (Sputnik V) which in its dry form can be stored in regular fridge temperatures (and has 92% effectiveness). The Pfizer and BioNTech development maintains a -70°C requirement for storage and Moderna’s is -20°C for up to six months. As well as correct storage equipment, all these vaccines require a high-quality vaccine temperature monitoring system to ensure product safety and efficacy. With the world waiting for virus protection from a vaccine roll out and economies desperate to resume a level of normality, loss of any stock would be disastrous.
The AiroSensor
Withnell Sensors’ SenseAnywhere data loggers make the ideal vaccine temperature monitoring system. The data loggers with extended PRT's would make a great solution for the Pfizer and BioNtech vaccine- due to the fact that these data loggers have an expansive temperature range of -200 to +200°C covering the -70°C storage requirement of the vaccine. Monitoring of the other vaccines can be achieved through the internal sensors of the standard model data loggers- with a temperature range covering -40°C to +70°C. The temperature data loggers also meet the most stringent class of the EU regulation for data loggers EN12830:2018 accuracy class 0.2. They can be calibrated to assure secure and reliable monitoring of the temperature-sensitive vaccines. Furthermore, the use of both the AiroSensor logger and external Pt100 probe allows you to generate records of both the ambient temperatures as well as the (ultra-low) temperatures of the vaccines themselves, enabling you to calculate how long the vaccine container will stay inside the required limits in its current state.
However, the real value this system brings to the monitoring of temperature sensitive vaccines is due to seamless roaming with the mobile AccessPoints. The AccessPoints can be deployed at factory warehouses, distribution centres and inside transportation vehicles, which allows 24/7 real-time monitoring of temperatures of the dosage containers. Providing monitoring throughout the complete vaccine production and distribution cycle. The AiroSensor automatically transmits its data to the Cloud whenever it is in range of the network, without any need for human intervention. An internal memory ensures that there is a robust data profile even when cloud access cannot be achieved. Data can be accessed 24/7 from any connected smart device and SMS alarms will be delivered the moment customisable temperature limits are reached.
If you have a requirement for vaccine temperature monitoring or any other function for that matter- then get in contact with one if our technical sales team today. We have the livechat function available or simply contact us via the contact us page.