Withnell Sensors for Medical Labs
The importance of energy efficient tech in a global shortage
Adapting to the pandemic
The world has changed uncharacteristically in the last 2 years and as a result individuals, businesses and processes have adapted to meet fluctuating consumer demands as well as some new requirements for reduced contact and even ‘no contact’ through the ability to work remotely. Whilst there remain many conversational points amongst these changes, there is a basic instinct to look for the positives in what has been a challenging period for many. One clear benefit has been the accelerated adoption of advances in technology. In this article we look at how SenseAnywhere smart sensors are transforming the way that we take, record, and analyze measurements and fueling increased productivity for businesses large and small. Let’s understand how SenseAnywhere products can help you to harness additional benefits including cost savings, process efficiencies, stream-lined compliance as well as delivering on some impressive eco characteristics too.
It is all in the Cloud
A fundamental part of the SenseAnywhere system and the benefits it can present lies in the innovative use of cloud technology. Cloud based systems revolutionise how systems are deployed as it largely mitigates the costs of IT personnel maintaining hardware, servers , systems and backup processes. Archiving data to hardware (USB, DVD, NAS) is now rendered obsolete as you have all the information at your fingertips due to the huge storage and processing power.
The technology is such that if there was to be a disaster, cloud services have redundant systems which could instantly initiated, without the end user even being aware that there had been a problem. The SenseAnywhere system is triple, geo redundant, couple this with 99.98% uptime it’s unlikely you will see the system go offline for any length of time.
The pricing model is a subscription service based on the logger itself which is much more cost effective than a software license which can be expensive and often accounts for more loggers than you require. The subscription model expands at the rate you do, paying only for the loggers that you use. Cloud subscription also means you have the latest version of the software without having upgrade costs / licenses.
Cloud based systems are immune to local network outages. This is critical if you rely upon sending out alerts. Imagine a power failure on a local network or other outage?? With SenseAnywhere the alerts are sent from the cloud and are not reliant on local installation, Data security is at the core of the SenseAnywhere system, and the services employed. Microsoft Azure as well as SenseAnywhere themselves are ISO27001 accredited which should give peace of mind for your critical / sensitive data.
‘Fit and Forget’ systems
One adaptation from the pandemic that might be set to stay is the continuing need to reduce contact points, especially in high traffic areas such as work places and public spaces. SenseAnywhere sensors can be pre-programmed to suit your application needs, automating measurements, and removing any need for manual intervention. With alarms enabled to ensure you are notified of any excursions and automated report archiving you can configure your system to be self-managing, essentially ‘fit and forget’.
This approach not only removes the unnecessary contact that is a standard part of manual measurements, but it is far more efficient, saving costs, time and enabling remote access to data like never before. The ‘sterile’, hands-off approach to the handling of data also removes the risk of human errors and can streamline many aspects of compliance such as report generation and improved archiving.
Scalable without the barriers to entry
It is often accepted that any advances in technology arrive with a price tag which can provide a commercial barrier to uptake. Cost will especially play a role where existing processes might be more labour intensive but the hardware is still functioning within specification. Process engineers might only look for alternatives once hardware begins to reach end of life. The SenseAnywhere system is cost-effective and will not always involve a significant up-front capital expenditure. A small system can be implemented very quicky with minimal cost. Once the benefits have been identified then this can be scaled up with very little disruption to existing infrastructure which is an important consideration for large scale process industries such as advanced manufacturing or where infrastructure changes can adversely impact on controlled environments.
A multitude of parameters, a world of applications
Another positive aspect is the versality of these systems. Interchangeable sensors remove the need to purchase separate systems for differing parameters. By using a standard 4-20ma BUS unit, sensors can be swapped to cover temperature, humidity, differential pressure and even CO2 which has been identified as a key indicator for ventilation, critical for controlling the spread of Covid-19. Measurements are easier and more accessible allowing a wide range of applications to access measurement data to improve their processes. Whether the process requires 1 sensor or 100 sensors the hardware can be scaled to fit.
Green Credentials
The manufacturing world has been involved in a huge step change that has accelerated in recent years to take significant steps in limiting overall environmental impact and reducing carbon footprints. There are 2 considerations at play here, the first is when we look at the manufacturing process of the SenseAnywhere loggers. Great care has been taken to minimise wastage and reduce product inputs. The result is a compact, light-weight product with minimal, recyclable packaging that is manufactured closer to the global headquarters in the Netherlands further reducing unnecessary carbon emissions generated during transport. Common parts are used where possible to maximise on manufacturing efficiencies and simplify supply chains.
From the user perspective SenseAnywhere systems drive efficiencies across all levels of manufacturing, transport and storage, helping businesses to minimise waste. The latest technology is ultra-low power with a 10 year battery life as standard. The lifetime battery removes the associated manufacturing of replacement batteries as well as the waste and disposal of thousands of dead batteries.
Confidence in the system.
We have the unique ability to be able to demonstrate this system very effectively before our customers make any commitment to buy. We have several options for you to test the hardware including:
- Online live demonstrations, run through the software and features with an experienced member of our
- Instant access to our own live monitoring system, see live data and run reports remotely
- Short-term rental of a full system, see how the solution can fit within your business
- Free trial system-great way to check signal strength across your facility